Optimise your own consumption.

Given the high electricity prices, it is becoming increasingly important to optimize your own energy situation. An effective solution is to use a PV power plant.

This is particularly worthwhile for you if the aim is to maximise your own consumption. The initial investment is amortised through the savings in electricity costs, which significantly increases the cost-effectiveness of solar systems. The higher the energy prices, the faster the amortisation. An example calculation for a large photovoltaic system quickly makes the advantages clear: a high self-consumption rate and short amortisation times make the investment attractive.

Laundry example

As a medium-sized laundry, there is a high energy requirement during daily operations.

This maximises self-consumption, as the energy generated by the PV power plant can be used directly. The laundry therefore benefits considerably from the energy it produces itself and reduces its dependence on expensive grid energy. These savings reduce the amortisation period of the system to just a few years, which makes the investment particularly worthwhile.

Electricity consumption:966,545 kWh per year
Building roof:Flat roof
Realised system size:397 kWp
Electricity prices / feed-in tariff:29.85 / 12.00 Rp.
Own consumption:80.7%
Amortisation period:2.8 years
Cumulative savings after reaching the break-even point.

Your own consumption

Self-consumption refers to the use of self-generated energy directly at the place where it is produced. This reduces dependence on external energy suppliers and lowers costs.

Why should you aim for self-consumption?

Your load profile

With the right system and the use of an intelligent energy management system, consumption can be optimally controlled during peak production times.

In order to get the best out of it for you, we analyse your individual situation using the so-called load profile. The load profile is a visualisation of the energy consumption of a household or company over a certain period of time. It shows when and how much electricity is consumed and helps to recognise patterns in energy consumption. By analysing energy consumption in this way, we can identify peak consumption times and appliances, enabling us to tailor energy generation and storage to your actual needs. The load profile is therefore a crucial tool for optimising energy management and increasing the efficiency of your future solar power plant.

Exemplary load profile over the course of the year.

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Correct dimensioning with a reliable breakdown of the full costs & profitability begins with our free consultation.